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 @9FS5F3JNational disagreed…8mos8MO

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Prisons should never be private, for profit organisations. There needs to be a incentive for rehabilitation and getting people back into society. There should never be an incentive for people to remain in prison or return to prison.


Prisons should never be privatized and should be managed by the State. Privatization will lead to the commercialization of prisons, and the profit-seeking nature of businessmen cannot be changed, which will easily lead to the occurrence of grey industries, such as the trafficking of human organs.


Prisons are for rehabilitation and keeping dangerous people off the street not to be private to make profit


Profiting from prisons is immoral at base and deeply corrupting in practice. The USA provides many examples of corruption and systemic abuse that have originated or been aggravated by the prison industrial complex.


No, Healthcare amd government services should not be ran for profit. This would lead to a prison being ran as lean as possible to Incress shareholder profit at the determant of prison services


Privatisation of essential services puts profit ahead of the delivery of services, resulting in higher spend and poorer outcomes.


A standard business model is to have repeat customers and grow your business. Growing the prison population is not cost effective for the country. Therefore, private prisons will be the social disaster that every other country with private prisons is experiencing.

We need to look into root causes of criminal behaviour. Setup result driven programs that reduce criminal behaviour.


Private enterprise exists to turn a profit, and all private enterprises have the goal of increasing their profits over time. This creates a perverse incentive to keep more people in prison for longer and longer periods, and charge the government more and more money to do so, leading to bad outcomes for all parties except the private owners. The US provides many good examples of this. Let's not do that.


Running prisons on a corporate model will lead to cost cutting and efficiencies and it concerns me that care will be poorer as a result


The incredible amount of data-backed research and evidence from the US on the corruption, failures and humanitarian flaws in such an approach


Prisons should be monitored by the government so nothing shady is going on and the wellbeing of prisoners can be guaranteed to an extent.


They have failed in the USA...corruption and leads to extended prison sentences as it is in the best interest of private prisons if prisoners stay in prison longer


Makes too much incentive to put people in jail so focus moves away from justice and towards profit, which would be really dangerous, and morally corrupt.


If a company makes more money from having more people in a prison, then they are incentivised to keep people in there and there is no incentive to rehabilitate people so they do not offend again. This ends up costing the taxpayer more money.


The companies who would be running prisons would be to focused on making a profit than the rehabilitation of prisoners


Privatisation of prisons encourages prisons to be filled. It's then a business. They'll then be trying to fill beds instead of looking into all the truths of the case.


Privatising prisons gives a financial incentive to incarcerating offenders. That should be a last resort.


putting a profit motive behind filling those prisons gives these companies incentive to fill them. This is a net negative for society and sounds very "American". (In this case, that is not a good thing.)


there is no system is which private prisons incentivise reduced prison numbers or a model based on rehabilitation, which should be the ultimate goal of the justice system


It does not create the support staff need in prisons as private prisons cut staff back to save money. This in turn does not give enough supervision etc to monitor prisoners


The rehabilitation of offenders is an important for a sustainable functioning society and profit drivers are often at odds with achieving this outcome.


Private Prisons create incentives for a higher incarceration rates and longer sentences as private prisons produce profits.


Why would we want to incentivise people being sent to prison or staying in prison… didn’t work well in the USA


this means companies will make money if they have more prisoners, while we should be looking at rehabilitation


Privatisation of prisons means that owners would be likely to provide less quality to prisoners in order to be more profitable


We should not do private prisons because there has always been history on private providers being cruel and corrupt against prisoners.


A private company is interested in repeat business, of returning prisoners and will cut costs in services to raise profit. Private prisons in us are a disaster.


Vastly unsafe compared with the public model. There is far less constructive engagement on a person to person level and more reliance on stats and the use of a TV.
Wildly unsafe for staffing levels and there should never be a business model for incarnation. Incarnation is the punishment, the rehabilitation is the public responsibility. The goal is for post the period of incarnation the person is able to be a constructive member of society, a value add not a value loss.


It’s stupid and creates a narrative that pushes people to be quickly convicted and sentenced to generate money.


There will be less regulation if it is privatised. It is shown in countries where prisons are privatised. Prisons should not be a money maker.


If you care about life and people, and believe in healing, you will not work towards these things if a capitalistic venture is given the authority

 @9FQ4JCGGreenfrom 32 disagreed…9mos9MO

No, privatization has proved fruitless in the long run in many sectors of New Zealand since Rogernomics was popularized. You need only look at the American prison complex, where they are literally enforcing modern slavery, and recidivism rates there, to see privatization of prisons is pure lobbyism and has absolutely zero benefits for the people of New Zealand. Absolute joke of a question and don't know why we are discussing.


Other models of private prisons show that companies lobby and support legislation that in turn increases incarceration rates to boost business. Prison should only be used for the worst, violent offenders and no incentive for any extra ‘supply’ of prisoners should be considered.


They don't work in the United States or England. More emphasis is placed on cost rather than rehabilitation.


Privatised prisons risk creating legalised slavery and incentivising higher conviction rates. They have failed society in the US and will fail NZ.


Private prisons remove the ability of the gov to resolve prison system problems and test different systems. They can also increase harm to prisoners, and create different conditions in different prisons which are uregulated.


Private prisons encourage the establishment of a bail bond system like in america which does nothing besides making sure poor compromised people stay in obscene debt and would encourage having more people in prison as this means more money for whoever runs the prison. At the end of the day this system does not deal with the root cause of why someone would resort to a life of crime but makes sure they stay in a life of crime as a convicted criminal has a harder time getting a job and furthering their education. We should be trying to keep people out of jail not put more people in jail as this will fix nothing


Prisons are the responsibility of the state. No private organisation should imprison any person for any reason.


Private prisons would be working more to meet the status quo of having inmates to keep up with funding - could even lead to unreasonable lock ups to promote funding


Running prisons on a corporate model will lead to cost cutting and efficiencies and it concerns me that care will be poorer as a result

 @9G72TWRLabour disagreed…8mos8MO

If prisons were privately funded, money laundering and other fraudulent activities would be a lot more easy for gangs as the prison is privately operated. I don’t really know much about it but I’m sure that if it wasn’t government operated there would be more corrupt security officials in the prison making life harder for every non-criminal on the outside. If I was to vote yes for privately funded prisons I would have to see a policy stating that all private prison wardens are routinely monitored to keep criminal activity at bay. I also believe that privately funded prisons…  Read more


there shouldnt be private prisons as it is unethical and because of the money gained by those running private prisons


They are inhumane, and often lead to less rehabilitation and cutting corners in terms of inmate health and wellbeing.


Executing functions of the state through market logics generates incentives that perpetrate issues rather than stem them


Privatizing prisons presents the problem that the USA is currently facing that rose with Nixon. Wealth/extreme capitalism motives can end up making our incarceration rates higher, which will have interest generational impacts. I'd rather keep prisons in the hands of government but look at privatizing services that are currently run by the government but are very inefficient such as health, and postal services.


They tried this with MECF and SERCO and it was a shambles. Wiri I believe is going ok but proper government oversite on prisons is the best way to run prisons. Prisons across the country should all be on the same page

 @9FQJ783New Zealand Loyaldisagreed…9mos9MO

Profit making over people never works and many examples of overseas private prisions have shown they don't work. In fact the infrastructure to ensure basic functions were downgraded and prisioners didn't get their basic needs meet and assaults on guards increased under this model.


Go look at america and read the data , profiteering on the incarceration of people given the kiwi stance of punish them lock them up we will end up loosing so much money to the american companies we will never be able to recover not only as communities but financially to bring it back in house.


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