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The government current tax everything to an excessive degree. If you make a profit in a short term case you’ll pay tax. Anyone able to or willing to be in a position to have investment property should be if they are willing to take the risk be able to have the opportunity to make money in this are. We’re taxed heavily on any additional work, eg secondary jobs, those prepared to do a certain level of work to get ahead should be allowed to. Government already take too much. Rates increases, gst etc inflationary issues, regulations around Earth quake pushing up insurance levies etc. There huge risk involved in property ownership. If people want to do this they should be allowed to without penalty.


It's easy to vote no when you've felt like you've "worked hard", i.e. gained the most from capital gains. If you had help from your parents to buy a house or farm, have you contributed the same % of the cost of the property then to help your kids buy today? If not, why not? My parents haven't, and they haven't because "it's too expensive". How are we going to try make housing more affordable for the younger generation? If we never can, at least we can tax property investment. Stocks and salaries are taxed. Aren't capital gains a different kind of income?


There is no reason that money earned by investment should be treated any differently than money earned by labour


If a labourer on minimum wage is taxed, why shouldn’t a homeowner be taxed on potentially hundreds of thousands of profit? No real risk was taken, and we already pay tax on profit from instruments like stock. Why is housing uniquely tax exempt?


In principal I agree with it, however I believe it is just another cost that will be passed on to renters. The current cause of high house prices and shortage of rentals has only become worse under the current government and the only thing that will improve it is building a lot more houses - with less regulations, and encouraging competition between landlords.


A CGT is essentially a tax on assets that have already been taxed. GST when purchased, during construction etc. People should never be double taxed.


NZ already has a high tax right with GST, business, personal, road, tobacco etc. We need to spend more wisely and reduce the number of MP’s and government spending


Again, if our government can comfortably take food off of the plates of the poor then why can they not take a little extra from the rich!

Why do we allow so many New Zealanders to struggle.

Again, mental health is a massive factor here.

Where is the heart in New Zealand!

I think income should be taken in to account when considering the capital gains tax, if a business is struggling it should be taxed accordingly


Poor economics over investing into land. Land value tax that opportunities party is offering is genius


if selling means have to pay tax on profit then house prices are likely to rise to reduce the loss of what gain you thought you would make eg if you thought you would make 100k profit but will pay 33k in tax then you may try to sell for 30-50k above your original price to increase your profit.


Profiting from property investing in more than one house is no different to working a job...House price growth is now excludes the youth from entering the market.


I would like to see inequity and its consequences (increased crime rates, poor engagement in education) rise


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