Try the political quiz

15 Replies


Please win, everyone hates national. You gotta win and dont be like them with the phones in school. Please and thankyou.


Please win


LOL, that didn't age well. BIG "L". You're stuck with National for the next 9 years! (obviously they are winning the next 2 elections as well).


What ways can leaders ensure that every voice in society is heard and represented, and why is that important to you?


How should governments approach housing affordability, and have you witnessed its impact on friends or family?


In the event of an environmental crisis, how would you expect authorities to respond to protect your community?


Imagine if public transportation was free; how would that change the way you travel or live?


What kind of support do you believe workers need to have a good balance between their jobs and personal lives?


How would the quality of education in your school be affected if funding increased, and is it necessary?


Can you think of a time when you felt that healthcare was inaccessible to someone, and how should that be addressed?


If your future job was impacted by new technology, how should society help you adapt or transition?


What changes would make your community a better, fairer place for everyone to live?


How might a government support families in ways that would benefit your life or the lives of people you know?


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