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Why should we be letting the rich keep on getting richer on the backs of poorer people. The rich are able to pay more in taxes so they should


Crime has increased, suicide and mental health are at an all time high and there is a lack of support services


The cost of living crisis is already hard enough on working families and higher taxes will just seperate the classes further. Eliminating the middle class entirely.


Too much money gets taken away from hard working individuals in taxes to fund lazy drug addicts sitting at home at state funded housing


high income earners and those considered rich should not be paying more taxes based on their income or salary. They worked hard for that.

 @9FZ43K5 agreed…8mos8MO

People who are finacially wealthy should not be paying more taxes based on their income or salary. They worked hard for that.


Poor people or the population of people who make up majority of our average income bracket are getting double taxed compared to the rich!!!!


The people who earn more and have to pay more taxes shouldnt be forced to pay more taxes. Instead they should be able to keep their own money they worked so hard for.


Too much money gets taken away from hard working individuals in taxes to fund lazy drug addicts sitting at home at state funded housing


The nbr rich list is full of families who have built long standing and large businesses, they employ so many people who also pay significant tax. growth and entrepreneurship create the economic conditions.


High income earners have shared the benefits of moving overseas as things are currently, this will only get worse if taxes increase.


people will be discouraged from working more because they have to pay more taxes on the additional income that they earn. Thus, it decreases productivity in the economy. Because of the high tax rate, people are trying reduce the tax paid by entering some avoidance and evasion scheme.,some%20avoidance%20and%20evasion%20scheme.


1% of New Zealanders - a club of 40,000, have wealth 68 times greater than the average New Zealander - Max Rushbrook "Too Much Money"

This wealth is mostly hereditary and based on property. The 1% put a lie to the the proposition that it is the result of effort or endeavor and increased productivity.

This not fair and we urgently need to move from accumulation of wealth to a more re-distibutive economy. We all need to thrive to survive. A new paradigm is needed. 21st economic orthodoxies have failed and our world and our country is out of balance.


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