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 @9FZK7ZC disagreed…8mos8MO

2 people of the same gender identity raising a child does not mean that the child will not receive the care the need to thrive. It is already shown in other animal species that same sex couples can raise healthy children. In the current adoption system birth parents also choose the best candidate for their child and same sex couples have been chosen in the past. If a same sex couple is the best choice for a child, why stop them?

 @9FZLRKW agreed…8mos8MO

I’d both of the parents of the new adopted child are ready and have done a test and are able to get a child, then they should be able to adopt a child


Men and women have different attributes and bring a balance, same sex can never provide a full and complete feminine and masculine perspective to life.


Being a parent isn’t about gender or sexuality. It’s about caring to raise the next generation, raising good people.


I feel like you do not need a mum and a dad to raise you. For example i think that the same gender who are together or married should be alowd to adopt children because it does not effect the child the child would still have the help and things it need having to mums or to dads wont effect the child.


Who says a family has to have a Mum and a Dad?
Why can't it have 2 Dad's, 2 Mum's or just 2 parents?
Are the children loved or wanted any less?
We don't stop people in the LGBTQ community adopting pets based on how they identify, and yes that might be a strange analogy, but people are good parents (and good people) or they're not regardless of sexual/gender orientation.
I don't see the problem?


I agree with this, the gender / sexual orientation of a person should not change their ability to parent a child or pet. The fact that this is even a debatable question is appalling.


What makes a same sex couple any less capable of raising a child than a straight couple? I believe as long as a couple can show they can provide well for a child until they are 18yrs it should not matter what their sexual orientation is.


All people, regardless of sex or gender, should be allowed to legally adopt a child given they are in a comfortable position and are able to care for the child. Discrimination against the LGBTQ is unacceptable.


Adoption should be allowed to people not based on their gender but rather if the person is suitable to become a parent based on their personal character, financial stability, family background etc.


Same sex couples should have every rights as anyone, they should still be screened to see if they are fit to adopt and be a parent.


Love is love, no matter your orientation or sexual preference. You shouldn't be discriminated based on that if you are still wanting a family.


Two grown adults no matter what sex should be able to adopt children if they can prove that they will be good parents and raise them healthily.


I don't see what or where the difference is between people that are and are not apart of the LGBT community in the ability to take care of a child. Until there are statistics that back up negative evidence against this group I don't see any harm in a person that is LGBT related taking a child up for adoption


Same-sex couples are no different than straight couples. It doesn't matter if the child/children have the same gender parents, LGBTQ couples will treat children the same as straight couples.


Gay couples are just as capable to raise a child as a straight couple and deserve as equal chance to adopt.


Equal rights for all, if they qualify with all current criteria it should be allowed. All kids need are a loving caring home whether it's with 2 dad's, 2 moms, multiple parents. It does not matter..... Stop judgment and let everyone live their own lives.


everybody should have equal right to becoming a parent, weather that is through adoption, IVF or natural conception


LGBT couples are just as valid as strait ones and should have the same rights and be treated the same.


If a LGBT couple wants to raise a child why shouldn’t they be allowed. They are human. There are plenty of non LGBT people out there who have created a need for these children to be adopted, a loving couple with the ability to raise a child is surely better for that child than living in violence, poverty or being forced to be part of a family that doesn’t want them.


Everyone should have the right to adopt no matter their sexuality or anything else. As long as they are a fit parent they should have the right to adopt


We all have the right to be treated equally and fairly no matter what our gender or sexual orientation


NZ suicide rates are already so high. Making people feel unloved or discriminated/taking their rights to have a family will make those rates go even higher.


Plenty of opposite sex couples are terrible parents. There’s no justification for excluding a group of potentially caring economically stable parents because of their sexuality


You can't help who you love and not being able to have/adopt a child when you are very capable of having one is unfair.


New Zealand's definition of whanau has always been fluid and inclusive. There are aunties who aren't blood related, matua and whaea can mean mother and father, aunty and uncle, teacher, coach, koro. If all of these whanau can be defined as family; to love, provide stability, opportunity, and all that a child needs to thrive then lgbtq can be included in that definition. The more people who love a child the better. NZ families can be made up of anyone as long as our tamariki are safe and loved.


A mother/Father doesn’t make a Mum/Dad. It’s the person/s with the love to give a child or children.


If a couple is unable to have a child they should be given the right to adopt as their more than capable to have a child and care for a child in the same way a same sex couple can


No matter a person's gender or sexual orientation, a same-sex partnership should follow the same rules.


Everyone deserves the right to have a family of their own, as long as they are responsible and are able to fulfill their child’s physical and emotional needs. They should not be denied purely because of their sexuality.


Everyone should be able to have the chance to have children, your sexuality doesn't matter it's the same as saying a straight couple who can't have kids is not allowed to adopt. It's not right.


I just feel like it doesn’t matter who you are sexually. What matters is who you are on the inside and the way you treat others.


There is no difference between LGBT and straight couples. They equally should be allowed the same adoption rights to start their families.


Why should it matter the sex of the parents if they can give a vulnerable child a loving and safe home.


Better a child be raised by parents willing and able and wanting to take them on than people who don’t want them or are forced to raise them. We have no control over how many children unfit people have but unfairly persecute same sex couples who want to provide a loving home


People are people. Race, sexuality or gender should have nothing to do with it. If a kid can be provided a loving home rather than the system then they should go to a loving home


Many couples/people conceive children that they cannot or are not looking after appropriately. Gay couples who are seeking adoption make a conscious decision to have children! They want to have children.


LGBTQ + community need to have the same adoptions right as a hetrosexual person or couple, they are still a person at the end of the day and deserve to have the same equal rights and opporutnities to have kids if they wnated to, there is no differnce between how a LGBTQ+ couple would treat their kid to a hetrosexual couple would.


All a baby/child needs is love, no matter what. If a child has two dads or mums that is lucky, some children grow up with one parent. They are human, they are loving and deserve to have children just like anyone else. It shouldn’t be hard for gays or lesbians to adopt


There's plenty of straight couples that can't look after their own kids, sexualities do not define whether or not you are fit to be a parent


Everyone interperates the world in a different way and no one is right or wrong. So it doesn't matter about someone's sexual orientation or how they feel. We are all just minds swimming in the universe trying to work it out. That's why they should be allowed to raise another human.


I believe that everyone should be able to have children whatever their beliefs or who they like. We’re in a society now where this is becoming normal and to keep up with these changes we need to start accepting the LGBT communities. This world is going to stay sexist if we don’t let it happen


Unless we know the LGBT community only creates abusive unhealthy homes, why should we deny the child their basic human right to a healthy home?


Why should we deny children in need a safe and loving home just because of the parents being same sex?


What gives any person the right to deny someone else a family. People's sexual orientation should have zero impact on their basic rights.


These topics become a debate because some people cannot accept that others can live and thrive outside of their belief systems without consequence, fear of their belief being undermined and the uncertainty that might bring leads them to force 'consequences' on those people to satisfy their need for control and order (as they know it).
Everyone, every culture, every demographic, every identity, has the same inherent rights to participate in the world we're all born into. It feels inhumane and inappropriate for a group or individual to claim their convictions are superior over…  Read more


Straight couples can have children without any background checks or planning, leading to a lot of underprivileged and abused children why can’t lgbt people who do go through checks and actively want a child have a family.

 @9GH833L disagreed…7mos7MO

If two straight people have produced a child they cannot care for, this creates the need for the child to be adopted. If the adoption approval process deems two parents (regardless of gender or sexual orientation) as capable of providing a loving, supportive, financially adequate home for the child, then what is the problem?


Why us gender an issue when it comes to being a parent. Children deserve loving parents regardless of weather they are male or female.


A queer marriage that is able to provide a safe and nuturing environment for a child is a couple that should be able to adopt a child. This couple may be able to provide a better environment than some straight couples.


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