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Health intervention needs to be consented rights of individuals or their guardians and we should encourage better method of education and information of infection control rather mandate vaccination.

 @9FN4NJHNew Zealand Loyaldisagreed…9mos9MO

If the vaccines actually worked and were without risk I wouldn't have an issue with them. My issue lies with the fact that since the 1960's autism and other neurological disorders in children have gone from under 6% to now over 60% the only major difference is the number of vaccines administered to children, most of the time the effects only starting to show after their vaccines given at the age of 2. Furthermore, I have no solid reason to trust the pharmaceutical companies who have to date been given the largest fines in human history proving the theory that there is no money in…  Read more


Health intervention needs to be consented rights of individuals or their guardians and we should encourage better method of education and information of infection control rather mandate vaccination.

 @9FP9P9JNew Zealand Loyaldisagreed…9mos9MO

Medical treatment should never be compulsory and every individual has the right to make their own decisions about health. It is a fundamental human right and history has shown that forced medical treatment is unethical. Pharmaceutical companies and governments will never prioritise an individuals best interests over profits.


If a vaccine is highly effective providing long term protection from infection, then vaccinated children and adults don't need to be concerned about unvaccinated people. If a vaccine is not highly effective, it shouldn't be mandated or even recommended.

 @9FNFJTBFreedoms New Zealanddisagreed…9mos9MO

Vaccines should never be mandatory, this goes against the Bill of Rights. Especially when recent vaccines were in the experimental phase.

 @9F8K3XDLeighton Bakerdisagreed…9mos9MO

It's evident the vaccinations don't work or stop transmission and proven to have adverse side effects. I don't believe in enforced vaccinations without full non coerced consent

 @9FVJBS5New Zealand Firstdisagreed…8mos8MO

Ultimately however, it is not the place of the government to force parents to inoculate their children or instruct them by law that they must force any other medical practice.


I believe NZ should have a strong vaccine campaign to inform and educate people of the benefits of being vaccinated. Vaccinate for your mate. People should not have to inject anything into their bodies by law.

 @9GH833L disagreed…8mos8MO

It depends on the “vaccination”; as we know some of these don’t actually vaccinate, in the true sense. There are also adverse effects experienced by some children. This is a risk the parents should have a choice to take or not.


everybody should be able to make this choice for themselves. We all have different beliefs and we need to honor that.

 @9FJLKXFLeighton Bakerdisagreed…9mos9MO

Vaccines have risks as do any drug. Parents should be well informed and given the choice. Any drug that has risk of side effects should not be mandatory. There are many many studies on these sides, one being SIDS.


Covid vaccinations should not concern the government, nor should the government victimise people who disagree with their stance. Other vaccines have been proven over multiple years that they work, rather than the Covid vaccines that have not been tested openly or honestly.
Big government has no right to tell people what to inject our own bodies with.


It is taking away human rights to force people to put something potentially dangerous in their body.

 @9FZRXVR disagreed…8mos8MO

That statement is incorrect. You cannot argue with infactual evidence. Pfizer openly admitted they never tested the vaccine for preventing transmission.

 @9FVMS6KLeighton Bakerdisagreed…8mos8MO

Children that are too young to be vaccinated need to be protected on their own(families) accord. It’s not another families responsibility

 @9FVKZMYNew Zealand Loyaldisagreed…8mos8MO

If vaccines were 100% safe then maybe it would be a nice thing to do-although even then I think there should be choice. But my child shouldn’t have to bear a risk I’m not happy with for the sake of anyone else’s child. There are other measures those families can take- healthy diet, breastfeeding, limiting exposure to sick people, healthy living conditions etc.


People should have the right to have choice but the health system is so rubbish I can’t handle a outbreak

 @9G5FNLJ disagreed…8mos8MO

That should be abolished, sometimes building your natural immunity is better than vaccines that havent had much research


They have been proven by Pfizer to offer no aid in preventing spread of the virus. Keep your children safe from the public, they are just as likely to catch any virus

 @9FQ6XT4New Zealand Firstdisagreed…9mos9MO

Basically that the illness carries less risk than the injection if the patient is nursed appropriately.


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