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Why should 1 kid be allowed to infect 100
Children and undermine the parents who have decided to protect their children and help stop the spread of dangerous diseases.

My child should not be forced to be homeschooled for following the rules so the one minority can have their rights


Vaccinations for eradicated diseases should be mandatory for all people who will be learning or working in public areas.


People can have their own free choice on vaccinations, but when children's lives are at risk we need to come together and do what is needed to keep our children safe as well as our teachers.


Vaccinations are most effective for everyone when the majority are immunised and eradicate serious contagious diseases in the community for the benefit of all including those who are vulnerable


What do individuals who choose not to vaccinated think they have a right to risk dread death and disease to vulnerable others?


Herd community works when more people are vaccinated and ensures a bulk benefit- less sickness and more educational efficacy. Consider all children as not all attend public schools.


More infections have been more common in the community since people have stopped because of Covid vaccine's


As soon as we stop vaccinating these illnesses come back in force. The ones that are able to vaccinate should to keep the many safe


Since covid less children have been getting vaccinated which has lead to previously eradicated infectious diseases to come back into the community


Requiring vaccination to attend school reduces the risk of those who are unable to get vaccinated due to legitimate health reasons getting infected with easily preventable diseases like chicken pox, measles etc. So it makes sense to protect the majority rather than coddle the ones who get their opinion of vaccines off social media...


Why should 1 kid be allowed to infect 100
Children and undermine the parents who have decided to protect their children and help stop the spread of dangerous diseases.

My child should not be forced to be homeschooled for following the rules so the one minority can have their rights


School only restriction of unvacinated people is not sufficient to provide herd immunity that prevents epidemic outbreaks.

 @9FJP6M6Rock Vote NZdisagreed…9mos9MO

This will reduce the general education & literacy of many young individuals and affect their job prospects as parents will not send their children to schools


The children of those who are misinformed about vaccines deserve to hear more than one viewpoint, and not be kept sheltered by parents and ill informed through home schooling in a small social echo chamber.


Schools are a place of inclusion vaccinations are not always possible due to health and religious needs. The majority need to protect the vulnerable.


Vaccinations shouldnt be mandatory but access to healthcare should they catch unvacinated deaseas come out of there pocket and not the tax payer


Most children should receive vaccinations for the safety of themselves and others. I think that requiring vaccinations in order to attend public school is discriminatory for the prospective students that cannot receive vaccinations (e.g. those with autoimmune diseases) or those that have parents who do not support vaccinations


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