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 @9FMXRCZOpportunities disagreed…9mos9MO

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It is unbelievable unfair to impose this on anyone, people make mistakes and they shouldn’t be punished for it for the rest of their lives, people are also victims and shouldn’t be punished for it for the rest of their lives. Bringing a life into the world is a big task and a huge responsibility and when forcing someone to have a child when they don’t want will result in unhappy homes and children which ends up with more kids in the system that should have had opportunities and better lives and the cycle continues


Why should a woman have to hold & birth a reminder of mamae? Why should she have to carry to term a product of an attack in which she had no choice. & even if it weren’t a product of attack, why should her body be controlled by the government. All women deserve bodily autonomy.


It is a basic human right for a woman to be in control over her own body, the government shouldn't choose for her over something she had now power over in the first place. The mental draining of giving birth to the child of a rapist will force her to never forget such a traumatic event.


No one should be forced to have a child if they do not want to. There are many reasons people may not be prepared or capable of raising a child. People who have been through rape or incest most definitely should not have to have that child


it is a basic human right for the carrier of a child to have a choice on what they do with their own body. the government should not have the right to decide the future of said individual and potential child. there is no reason and individual should have to go through the 9 month process of pregnancy and give up the next at least 18 years of their life because of something that may have happened out of their control.


It's a choice and a basic human right, regardless of the circumstances. Victims of rape and incest are mentally, emotionally and physically impacted for the rest of their lives & should not CONTINUE to have their choices taken away from them anymore than they've already had to endure.


many people are stuck in unfortunate situations and i believe that no one should be stripped of their rights to choose whether they want a baby or not in any situation


Each person has the right to choose. Other beliefs shouldn't be imposed on them or their ability to make decisions about their own lives


Women are not cattle, we deserve to have choice over what happens in and to our bodies. Pregnancies for a variety of reasons may need to be terminated eg due to foetal development/ risk of illness, rape survivor, young women getting pregnant accidentally, or just accidents happen.


This is about women's right and control of their body, not rights of a foetus that also has a 25% chance of not surviving as it is and not for men to decide how women look after their bodies and make decisions.


It's a choice and a basic human right, regardless of the circumstances. Victims of rape and incest are mentally, emotionally and physically impacted for the rest of their lives & should not CONTINUE to have their choices taken away from them anymore than they've already had to endure.



Pregnant people have the right to make their own decision about their bodies and their lives. This is a fundamental human right.


Why should a woman be forced to live with the traumatic event and then find themselves financially vulnerable while raising a child that was forced upon them

 @9F5LLK5New Conservativeagreed…9mos9MO

Directly killing a baby is objectively and gravely wrong no matter the circumstances. This is what the Catholic Church teaches.


Not all people believe in the teachings of the catholic church. Therefore these teachings should not impact everyone.

 @9F79G77New Conservativecommented…9mos9MO

If a baby is growing in the fallopian tube or it is an ectopic pregnancy the principle of double effect applies

This set of criteria states that, if an action has foreseeable harmful effects that are practically inseparable from the good effect, it is justifiable if the following are true:

1: the nature of the act is itself good, or at least morally neutral

(saving the mothers life which is equal in value to the baby)

2: the agent intends the good effect and does not intend the bad effect, either as a means to the good or as an end in itself

3:the good effect outweighs the bad effect in circumstan…  Read more


I think that abortion should be allowed because women are the ones who are carrying the child and if they aren't allowed an abortion it could seriously impact there mental and physical health. A woman should NOT be FORCED to carry a child to term if they do not want it or are a victim of rape.


If someone have been raped and feel uncomfortable giving birth or keeping a child that have made in a way they never want to happen to someone they should be allowed to abort and shouldn't be forced to give birth to a baby they dont want its their body others should decide whether they keep a baby or not


A woman has the right to choose, especially during an unwanted pregnancy. This could cause harm to both mother and baby as well as a trend of post pregnancy health issues such as PND. What sort of life would an unwanted baby have?


Valuing a woman’s physical and mental health less than a bundle of cells is horrific and why are we still discussing this.


Your body, your choice. You have no right to tell a pregnant woman what she can or cannot do with her body regardless of your belief system.


no one should have a day in what anyone does with their bodies, to simply put it, it doesn't effect you, you should be allowed to have the choice. I am pro-choice because I don't think there is any reason why a woman should have to face all the consequences from something she did not do alone. If a guy can get a woman pregnant and then run away, there is no reason why she should be the one responsible for everything. Having more options puts a woman on more equal footing with men, instead of being someone of whom they can take advantage. In addition, I believe that it is best for a child to not be born at all than to be born hated, to a mother who is forced to have him because she has no choice, and not because she wants the child.


Woman should 100% be able to make that decision for themselves...Nobody should force the trauma of pregnancy on any person!


I rushed this question the fastest. I thought I answered "pro life but allow them to make the decision"


**** THAT! It's unfair to the woman who have been put in the position unwillingly to have a baby to a criminal. Having a child costs alot of money and puts alot of mental strain on the Woman. A woman should be able to make a choice for what she wants to do with her body. **** all the religious bull **** that some white man made up. It's absolute bull **** .


There should be no need for a counter argument, an abortion is a human right, it should never be not allowed.


One counterargument to the "pro-life, no exceptions for rape and incest" position on abortion is that it may not adequately consider the physical and emotional trauma that victims of rape and incest endure.

Forcing these individuals to carry a pregnancy to term could compound their suffering and potentially lead to long-lasting psychological harm.

Advocates for choice argue that allowing exceptions in such cases respects the autonomy and well-being of the survivors and acknowledges the complexity of their situations.


This is going to increase child neglect and abuse because the parents won’t want the child, it will also cause suffer and pain to the mother who now needs to pay for a child she was forced to have


Women should be allowed to have autonomy over their own body. This should not even be under debate for those who don’t have a uterus or those who aren’t going to be involved in the care for the mother or potential child.


It is a basic human right for a woman to be in control over her own body, the government shouldn't choose for her over something she had now power over in the first place. The mental draining of giving birth to the child of a rapist will force her to never forget such a traumatic event.


It is a woman’s right to choose-there is no one answer for all.What impacts greatly on one person may not be so impactful on another.


Your body your choice. No one should have to keep a few clumped up cells if they can’t afford it, it puts their health or the clump of cells health at risk and in Cases of rape or incest should really be allowed to get abortions as it’s a reminder of what they’ve been through. Anyone who is pro-life needs a boot up the arse.


I believe if the parents are not in a situation to provide the love, financial support, and family support to care for the child, they should have the choice to stop the pregnancy while the “baby” is still very few cells big.


It’s not your decision what someone else does with their life and body. If someone doesn’t feel ready to give a child the life they deserve, it is better to get an abortion than to have the child and they live a life of depression, abuse, financial instability or familial instability.


No one should be made to bring up a child that they had no choice in having and a constant reminder of the rape


Government should not be able to dictate what woman do with their bodies, it is an invasion of privacy.


absolutely unacceptable, people have the right to make their own choice for their own bodies just as they do in any other aspect of their healthcare. they should have the choice in any situation, ESPECIALLY in cases of rape and incest


Banning abortion does not stop abortion, it just creates unsafe abortions, so why not allow the right to women’s body’s and let them do what they want.


Unless the politicians that are pushing this forward are medical professionals and woman who are currently pregnant with their rapists baby, then they should not get a say in the decisions a woman makes for her own body. If the male politicians are willing to make a law saying that all men over the age of 18 must have vasectomies until they and their future partner sign off on a reversal surgery, then no one should be discussing taking away a woman's right to her own body. If this is religion based then it is also extremely unprofessional to bring that into politics as the world doesn&rs…  Read more


People are entitled to make their own health decisions and to have their own opinions but not to make decisions for others. One persons opinion shouldn’t stop another form receiving health care


Pro choice - some aren’t in a position to mentally or financially take on a child most women are aware of this and can make the choice on their own. Forcing a child to grow up in a bad situation will cause problems in the future. If a child had the face of your rapist it wouldn’t bring joy or motivation to take proper care of the child. Let them choose.


It's not a baby yet especially under 12 weeks. The world is a difficult place everyone is doing their best and there are many reasons to not continue with an unwanted pregnancy. Forcing it can cause more mental health issues and we already have a mental health crisis on our hands


How can the rights of an unborn embryo in the earlier stages of gestation be more important to someone than the lives of the person that is carrying it? Insane to me.


Women are at risk of death and should have complete control over their life and their own private decisions


That’s a women has the right to choose and the health or the women is most important, mental and physical health


It's a choice and a basic human right, regardless of the circumstances. Victims of rape and incest are mentally, emotionally and physically impacted for the rest of their lives & should not CONTINUE to have their choices taken away from them anymore than they've already had to endure.


It is a basic human right for a woman to be in control over her own body, the government shouldn't choose for her over something she had now power over in the first place. The mental draining of giving birth to the child of a rapist will force her to never forget such a traumatic event.


Absolutely disgusting that anyone else thinks they have the right to tell someone what to do with their own body. It should be the women's choice ALWAYS and there should always be available resources for them to choose.


Women should not be forced to go through unwanted and possibly traumatic or unsafe pregnancy. Don't go American on us, we're better than that.


A woman should have unilateral choice over decisions about her body. We are not America. Old white males who should have used a condom should not decide for me. Women have a brain.


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