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 @9F8GQ9BNew Zealand Loyal agreed…9mos9MO

What are you trying to do, reduce drug taking or assist beneficiaries, or put more addicts on the street with no income?


If I am required to undergo drug testing to do my job then so should welfare recipients that are getting 'free money'


If you need to pass a drug test to get a well paying job you should have to pass a drug test to get free money from the tax payer


It’s a waste of money, what’s the difference between someone who takes pharmaceutical drugs and illicit drugs? Other than the “illegal” label, there’s a lot of pharmaceutical drugs out there way worse than half the stuff on the street.


why would you punish the most vulnerable people? Why would you make them a greater problem then they are


It's public money. Nothing in life is free. About time that those receiving welfare are made to work, volunteer, be drug tested, do courses to better themselves to give back to society. If they don't and won't then they shouldn't be entitled to the free money I have to work my arse off to pay for them


Why should our hard earned tax dollars go to people taking advantage of the system to fuel a drug addiction. Welfare is there for people in need not people who can’t be bothered.

 @9FCJ9HXTe Pāti Māoriagreed…9mos9MO

most if not all addicts are self medicating, you cannot force someone into rehabilitation, which they may not be able to afford and that we dont have enough of. If they are taking drugs they are still human and still deserve to have their basic human rights of shelter, food and water etc


Welfare is a good thing for those that truly need it in order to be able to live day to day. If someone is receiving money from the government and then spending it on drugs, then they are not using the money that the program was designed for.


The drugs are still being done. Legalisation and taxation of weed would make more people money rather than the gangs. Stronger drugs could then also be managed and controlled so we don't end up in the same situation as the US with the fentanyl spiking


Statistically poor people tend to spend their money on things like alcohol, drugs, and lottery tickets. These are things taxpayers should not be paying for.


I believe it should be around however by no means an 'off the bat' approach. Individuals battling with addiction should be given resources and time to improve with consistent testing throughout and at a certain point if there are no signs of improvement shown at that point they should be cut off. The metric to be looked upon is willingness and actions taken to improve and this can be shown through consistent drug testing to show progression.

 @9F9GY2ZNew Conservativedisagreed…9mos9MO

I agree with welfare drug testing as ...why should I go to work and sell my time slaving away to feed/ house myself and my family while my taxes go towards some ****** who sits on his lazy *** and smokes weed all day and probably uses up the money he is given on said drugs instead of food for his kids ...poorly raising the next generation that thinks that this is acceptable behaviour I also think that if a person is on welfare they should not be allowed to vote while on it


I think it is absolutoey rediculous that there is np testing. Testing should be regular and with a heavy focus on drugs that do more damage than good such as meth and heroin. Drugs such as cannibis and other natural based drugs such as mushrooms and acid shpuld require a medical certificate.


So you are willing to allow our taxpayer dollars to go towards drug users and those who sit around and do nothing every day with no attempt of finding any jobs


People that are using drugs whilst being funded to live off tax payer's money are likely to have an increased chance of committing crimes and they will more or less be a burden on society. By drug testing those on welfare, we are ensuring that our tax payer's money is being used correctly, as those on welfare should only be on it whilst temporarily out of work/jobseeking, and for those that are physically disabled or elderly. Drug abusers should not be given handouts, providing them weekly payments helps to fuel their addiction.


People who hold responsible jobs create more problems using drugs - the proposal should not discriminate against people receiving social assistance.


The amount of money which is dished out to people on the benefit who are addicted to drugs is not ok


As someone who has worked in beneficiary houses and seen many wasting their days living for free using drugs would you not want them to be tested to remove a barrier that is stopping them from joining back into society as a functioning individual. If they are living for free in a free house and/ or getting a benefit should they not most be following the law and working to get back on their feet with a lot of money being invested in them.


Why should we give money to those who could potentially be spending it on drugs instead of important fundamentals.


If you are dependant on the State for sustenance then you have an obligation to ensure that benefit is not frittered through non necessary expenditure like gambling drug use or purchasing Playstations etc. If you want luxuries then earn them...the benefit is a hand up. Not a hand out without obligation.


Our tax money is going towards these people sitting on there asses smoking weed and shooting up, in free houses, with free food while I can’t even feed a family of 3 some nights with 2 full time working parents.


Scandinavian countries have shown that you are more successful in dealing with homelessness/drug dependency if you improve people's lives before trying to "get them clean"

 @9F6JG74New Zealand Firstdisagreed…9mos9MO

Our tax money is going towards these people sitting on there asses smoking weed and shooting up, in free houses, with free food while I can’t even feed a family of 3 some nights with 2 full time working parents.


if you are relying on government to live then you should be required to be drug tested as it is tax payer money they are living on

 @9F9FYD4New Zealand Firstagreed…9mos9MO

Taking away a benefit from an individual incapable of earning money at a certain time in their life due to them taking some drug or alcohol will negatively impact that individuals dependants. A benefit should never be stopped to a family due to the actions of one person.


If it's being used for shelter, food and good of the Family, why should providing a drug test be an issue.


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